
Registration Status


Students should enroll for at least 4 semesters to obtain a Master’s degree. ( KOICA Students are enrolling 3 semesters with 2 summer/winter session)

Leave of Absence

Students who must be absent from classes for more than one quarter of required class days due to uncontrollable reasons such as illness or military service can be given a leave of absence. To obtain a leave of absence status, students must submit a written request and have it approved by the Department Chair of their department. The leave of absence cannot exceed two consecutive semesters (1 year) at a time.

Students can only have a leave of absence not exceeding a total of four semesters. But this and above clause are not applicable to those students granted a leave of absence for military service. The GSIS office normally announces leave of absence at the end of the semester to confirm students’ will to take off the following semester or to resume his/her study in the following semester, for students’ convenience

Reason for Leave of Absence
  • When unable to attend the classes for 1/4 or more of days continuously due to the causes of illness or others reasons.
Required procedure
  • Submission of Application form for temporary absence before 1/4 semester completed
  • Must leave Korea within 30 days after application of a leave of absense
Period of Leave of Absence
  • Leave of absence may not exceed two semesters for a course period.

Study Resumption

Students can be involuntarily dismissed from the GSIS for any of the following reasons: Those who, after conclusion of leave, fail to re-enroll by the appropriate deadline; Those who, without justifiable reasons, fail to register by the appropriate deadline.

For poor academic performances or other reasons, the GSIS Academic Affairs Committee concludes that he or she will not be able to maintain satisfactory academic progress.

Time of resumption
  • Before a month of registration period, student must notify to GSIS
Required procedure
  • Submission of Application form for reinstatement
  • Pay registration fee
  • We will send you a certificate of admission for reentering to GSIS, Ajou university to get a new visa
  • Registration of courses


Those students, who wish to voluntarily withdraw from the GSIS, must file a voluntary withdrawal petition and have it approved by the Dean of the GSIS.

Students should understand that under the following circumstances students may be dismissed from the graduate studies program:

  • Receiving extremely low grades
  • Misbehaving and violating university rules
  • Failure to register even after temporary absence
  • Failure to pay tuition fee during the payment period