


글로벌 에너지·온실가스 저감을 위한 기술 및 정책의 발전을 위한 아주대학교 국제대학원 ‘에너지과학정책’석사 학위 취득자 및 아주대학교 에너지센터, 한국에너지공단 등 에너지유관기관 (MOU) 담당자의 모임

A group gathering of Master’s degree graduates of Graduate School of International Studies at Ajou University, Energy Center of Ajou University, Korea Energy Agency, and other Energy related organization (Memorandum of Understanding with Ajou University) for technology and policy development for global energy and greenhouse gas reduction.

목적 및 역할

  • 에너지과학정책 석사학위 취득자의 지속가능한 협력관계 유지
  • 상호 에너지⦁온실가스 저감을 위한 기술, 정책 정보의 장
  • 신재생에너지 및 에너지신산업 해외전문가 역할 수행 (한국에너지공단 ‘해외진출지원오픈플랫폼’의 국가별 주요담당자로 등록,

Purpose & Role

  • To maintain sustainable cooperative relationship for graduates of Energy Science and Policy Master’s degree in GSIS at the Ajou University
  • To share information of technology and policy for mutual development of global energy and greenhouse gas reduction
  • To play a role being an international energy expert of renewable energy and new energy industry (by registering as a main contact person for each country on the resource page of Korea Energy Agency’s open platform for supporting overseas expansion,

Ajou Energy Alliance 운영 (Management of Ajou Energy Alliance)

Management of Ajou Energy Alliancezoom in

아주대학교 국제대학원 에너지과학정책 석사학위 취득자

Graduates of Ajou GSIS Energy Science and Policy

운영관리(Administrative Management)
아주대학교 국제대학원
Graduate School of International Studies(GSIS) at Ajou University
협력기관(Cooperation Agency/Organization)
Korea Energy Agency, Korea Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning(KETEP), Korea District Heating Corp.(KDHC), and other MOU agency/organization of Ajou GSIS

해외에너지신산업 진출 희망기업

Agency/Organization/Company who is planning to seek for overseas expansion of global energy new industry